Home Guild Members Trevor Judd Specialities Artist/Illustrator Photographer Trevor Judd Retired Member Biography An experienced photographer who specialises in the photography of flowers, nature, and landscapes. Based in the natural light studio that is the south of England, but a photographer of the world at large. The aim is to create images that transcend the mere recording of a subject and become more artistic, with compositions that are a celebration of colour, light, and shape with the minimum of digital manipulation - “images as nature intended”. The extensive use of macro photographic techniques provides dramatic and intimate portraits of flowers, plants, and nature. The object being to capture the beauty, shape and intricate detail of organic and botanical subjects through all of their life stages – from splendour to decay Address 56 Oaktree RoadSouthamptonSO18 1PHHampshireUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*