Home Guild Members Pauline Jones Specialities Artist/Illustrator Lecturer Writer: Consumer Magazines Pauline Jones Full Member Biography Pauline is an EGS trained garden designer, horticultural lecturer and competent garden photographer. In her previous life she was widely involved in magazine publishing and the advertising industry. During her time as a lecturer at Kingston Maurward College she created and tutored her own level three accredited course, the Advanced Certificate in Garden Design. Pauline draws her skills from her knowledge and understanding of the subjects that inspire her. Since joining the GMG, Pauline had the opportunity of becoming Garden Features Writer for Dorset Life Magazine. She has written articles for the Journal of Spinners Weavers & Dyers and regularly contributes to the Sitting Spiritually blog. Additional Interests Pauline is a Shepherdess, with a small fibre flock of Swedish Gotland Sheep. In 2021 she and her partner bought a derelict four acre traditional hay meadow, which has been embellished with a gorgeous shepherd's hut and hopefully next spring, beehives! She is happiest immersed in all things nature. Address DorsetUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*