Home Guild Members Alan Gray Specialities Sound Broadcaster: Local Radio Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Trade & Professional Alan Gray Full Member Biography Brought up in the county of Norfolk Alan has been gardening since the age of four, by the time he was seven he had three gardens. On leaving school he trained as a film editor with Anglia Television, later moving to London as a free-lancer. Anglia Television approached Alan again, but this time to present a gardening programme called "Take A Leaf" which successfully ran for three years and was subsequently shown around the world. Today Alan hosts a weekly gardening programme for BBC Radio Norfolk and writes for many publications including the RHS publication 'The Garden'. Address The Old VicarageEast RustonNorwichNR12 9HNNorfolkUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*