Home Guild Members Julie Haylock Specialities Lecturer Sound Broadcaster: Local Radio Writer: Local Newspapers Julie Haylock Diploma in Advanced Garden Design Probationary Member Biography Award winning Garden Designer based in Somerset. After three decades in the legal profession, I decided to follow my heart and retrained at Kingston Mauward College gaining a Diploma with Distinction in Garde Design. I write a monthly column, ‘Up The Garden Path’ in a local magazine focussing on garden design and gardening matters and regularly give talks to Garden Clubs and other organisations. Additional Interests The titles of the talks I can give to Gardening Clubs and other organisations are: Container Gardening An Introduction to Garden Design Going for Gold - Exhibiting a show garden at Taunton Flower Show From Charmouth to Chelsea Flower Show 2023 - Exhibiting a Container Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show Address 20 Sandhurst RoadYeovilBA20 2LGSomersetUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*