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Bhupinder Sohanpal
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Bhupinder Sohanpal

Probationary Member


Bhupinder Sohanpal is a former lawyer who has embarked on a horticultural career following an unexpected life changing illness. She discovered the joy of gardening while recovering. The healing power of nature became her greatest strength and friend during these challenging times. Her newfound passion for gardening and its role in nurturing wellbeing had led her life’s mission to spread the word and share her experiences so others may benefit. In 2019 she successfully gained a place on the new RHS Community Allotment Programme, she the presented the popular RHS ‘Get Set Grow,’ video series for beginner gardeners, and interviewed for the award winning RHS podcast in December 2021, about how gardens and nature provide an antidote to physical and mental wellbeing. Her first feature on how she has been ‘saved by gardening’ was published in July 2021 in the RHS magazine, The Garden. Since then, she has had features published in the English Garden; Grow Your Own; and Good Housekeeping. She is currently studying for the prestigious RHS Horticulture diploma, and has recently been awarded an Outstanding Achievement within her latest studies for achieving the highest examination marks nationwide in her latest examinations. Outside of her studies Bhupinder continues to volunteer at RHS Garden Wisley, which she loves and find invaluable. She was also a finalist in the Alan Titchmarsh New Talent Award at the Garden Media Guild Awards 2022. She continues to develop her career as a garden writer, broadcaster, and published speaker, and plans to develop the practical side of horticulture by practicing gardening planning, maintenance and advising on how to design a garden with wellbeing and wildlife in mind.

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