Home Guild Members Veronica Lorraine Specialities Editor Website Writer Writer: National Newspaper Veronica Lorraine RHS Dip Hort Level 2 Full Member Biography After 12 years as a Newseditor at The Sun, I did a part time RHS Level 2 at Capel Manor College. While I was at college I wrote many gardening articles for The Sun, but also got my own gardening clients, got a part time job with a garden design and maintenance company called Sprout Up and spent almost 6 months volunteering a day a week at The National Trust's Ham House. I have now taken over as Gardening Editor at The Sun and couldn't be more proud. I can't wait to work with the happy folk from the horticultural industry. Address SurreyUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*