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Ade Sellars
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Ade Sellars RHS Level 1 & 2

Full Member


Ade Sellars aka 'The Good Life Gardener’ is a kitchen garden expert, professional gardener, presenter, filmmaker, writer and content producer. A fifteen-year career in television, as director, writer and editor, Ade gained his RHS qualifications in 2015. In 2018 he moved to rural Suffolk to build his kitchen garden and lead ‘The Good Life’. Combining his television and now gardening career, Ade runs a gardening and content producing business. Clients include: Hello Magazine, QVC UK, BBC Radio Suffolk, Dalefoot Composts, Woburn Abbey Gardens, Vitavia, Mr Fothergill’s, Horticulture Magazine and School Gardening Success. Writing credits include: Kitchen Garden magazine, Garden Answers Magazine, Country Living, Suffolk Magazine, Dalefoot Composts, Mr Fothergill's. In both 2016 & 2021, Ade won Garden Media Guild ‘Blog/Vlog of The Year’. November 2023, he won 'The Beth Chatto Environmental Award'.

Additional Interests

Ade regularly gives talks throughout the country and is available to host and give talks at shows, society venues and gardening clubs. Appearances include: Gardeners' World Live, Gardeners' World Autumn Fair, RHS Hampton Court, RHS Wisley, Toby Buckland Garden Festival, Woburn Abbey Flower Show. Ade has written his first children's fiction book, based around gardening, and is currently looking for a publisher. After his recent successful YouTube mini-series, 'Down The Garden Path', Ade is about to embark on the second series of this hugely popular documentary.


Based in: Suffolk, UK
Distance willing to travel: Providing travel costs, and if necessary, overnight accommodation costs.
Virtual talks available: No

Fees: Given on enquiry.

Talks: - Leading the Good Life - Building a Kitchen Garden - It's Never Too Late to Change Paths


United Kingdom

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