Home Guild Members Patricia Fox Specialities Book Author Lecturer Photographer TV Broadcaster Website Editor Website Writer Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Writer: Trade & Professional Patricia Fox MSGD, Full Member Biography Writer: consumer magazines, trade & professional, local newspapers; author; website: writer, producer.Cruise Speaker plus Provides talks on all aspects of landscape design, Patricia has a strong feel for being 'on trend' if not ahead of trends. Awarded two Silver Medals from RHS Chelsea Flower Show, including the highly innovative Rooftop Workplace of Tomorrow 2012, with multiple awards from BALI, SGD and New Homes Awards. Passionate about creating and writing about stylish outdoor spaces with an extensive portfolio of work - from luxury rooftop gardens to country estates. UK and International. Specialist subjects: garden design & plantsmanship, contemporary garden design, roof gardens. Additional Interests Sailing, Art, Style, Photography & Food (eating it not cooking it!) Talks Based in: Titchfield, Hampshire, UK Distance willing to travel: Happy to travel to far-flung places or close by Virtual talks available: Yes Fees: £100 per hour, plus any additional time at the same rate pro rated. 1 hours talk £100 2 hours – 1.5 talk plus 30 min Q&A = £200 Talks: Designing Contemporary Planting Schemes (new for 2020) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Finishing Touches (increasing the value of your garden - a run through of different features and how to use them for best effect) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Trials & Tribulations of a RHS Chelsea Show Garden - A PERSONAL FAVOURITE OF MINE Garden Design Basic Principles - Contemporary & Traditional Small Garden Design Basic Principles & What not to do! How to add value to your garden space/How to increase the value of your home Outdoor Entertaining (how to create a beautiful garden for entertaining in) Designing Contemporary Roof Gardens Please ask if there is a specific topic that you would like me to talk on. I'm always happy to introduce new talks. Address HampshireUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*