Home Guild Members Liz Wright Specialities Book Author Editor Photographer Public Relations Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Liz Wright OU English Language and Literature Full Member Biography Writer: consumer magazines; author; editor: magazine/supplements, books; producer: local radio; public relations. Editor The Country Smallholder (Kelsey Publishers). Specialist in garden poultry including chickens, ducks, geese, quail etc. Interest in past times especially pre and during second world war. Huge book collection from this period. Specialist subjects:market garden pre and during second world war; poultry in the garden; bee keeping, plants for bees and pollination issues. Additional Interests British native ponies; donkey welfare at home and internationally; local government Talks Based in: March, Cambridgeshire, UK Distance willing to travel: 50 miles day time 20 miles night time - but only travel at night when the clocks have gone forward, virtual all year round Virtual talks available: Yes Fees: Around £50 plus travel Talks: How good is the good life? Poultry in the garden The market garden past and present Address CambridgeshireUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*