Home Guild Members Claudia de Yong Specialities Artist/Illustrator Social Media Influencer Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Trade & Professional Claudia de Yong BA Honours Full Member Biography An RHS award- winning garden designer and consultant. I speak fluent French, some Italian I work as a freelance stylist and contribute to mainstream magazines along with features and advice at Houzz Uk giving advice and tips to gardeners. I have an online garden shop for hand selected artisan, vintage and other garden items. www.littlegardenshop.com I am very active on Instagram with over 72,000 followers to date. I have a passion for Ponds especially natural ones and creating wildlife habitats. Additional Interests Walking Photography Painting Making things Art Writing Anything Creative Talks Based in: Cheshire, UK Distance willing to travel: Virtual talks available: No Fees: Talks: Address CheshireUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*