Home Guild Members Holly Eastlake Specialities Brand Collaborations Editor Lecturer Podcaster Public Relations Social Media Influencer Sound Broadcaster: Local Radio Sound Broadcaster: National TV Broadcaster Videographer Website Editor Website Producer Website Writer Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Writer: Trade & Professional Holly Eastlake Probationary Member Biography I have always enjoyed the great outdoors and with my parents and grandparents being keen gardeners, it's only natural that I have followed with a love of horticulture. Once I had laid my roots in Hertfordshire, I was determined to continue growing my own food and was lucky enough to be given an allotment in 2019. A lot of people talk about gardening being their escape and therapy, but during the pandemic my allotment became my life raft. In between shifts I would escape to the allotment and into nature, with the dirt under my nails, the sun on my skin and process all I was experiencing. Sowing seeds, believing in a future and having something to put my mind to helped me through the pandemic. Additional Interests Gardening is a process and we are often in mother natures hands. There are so many benefits of gardening and growing our own, it can sometimes feel daunting to get started, or you feel you need a large garden. I hope that I can show how gardening is for all. Even without a garden, allotment, equipment or lots of spare time you can still enjoy gardening. I currently share my content via Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. I am keen to explore collaborations with other content creators, but also to engage in podcasts and writing columns for magazines and other publications. Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*