Home Guild Members Charlotte Howard Specialities Lecturer Social Media Influencer Sound Broadcaster: Local Radio Sound Broadcaster: National TV Broadcaster Writer: Consumer Magazines Writer: Local Newspapers Writer: National Newspaper Writer: Trade & Professional Charlotte Howard M Hort (RHS), ND HORT Probationary Member Biography Charlotte Howard has been a professional gardener, garden designer and garden mentor for two decades. She gained a diploma in Horticulture at Lackham College Wiltshire and is a Royal Horticultural Society Master of Horticulture. Charlotte draws entirely by hand and her designs are innovative, natural, curvy and quirky (just like her). Her love of history, design and wildlife also inform all her work. Charlotte loves to share her passion for horticulture through her engaging, funny, no-nonsense, informative talks and through her social media channels. Charlotte is a passionate campaigner against artificial grass and has appeared on local radio, BBC News and Channel 4 News talking about the need for a ban, she was also asked to discuss it on Gardener's World in October 2023. Additional Interests Charlotte is also and actor, director, producer and a stage kitten for the Ministry of Burlesque Address WiltshireUnited Kingdom Contact Details Contact Member × Send Message * indicates a required field Name* Phone Number* Email Address* Subject* Message*